Search Results On economic development agencies
economic development agencies
Bill To Term Limits On Supreme Court Judges 2017-02-11 04:58:39
A bill which would place term limits on Florida Supreme Court justices and appellate judges passed by the Florida House panel on Thursday. The contentious measure targets a judiciary that has had a hand in overturning many of the Gov....
Keywords: Jennifer Sullivan, Bill, Richard Corcoran, Jennifer Sullivan
Read MoreBill To Eliminate Two Major Economic Development Agencies 2017-02-09 12:07:49
On Wednesday, 8th February, 2017 Florida House Committee passed a bill that would end two of Florida's economic development agencies, Visit Florida and Enterprise Florida. The bill PCB CCS 17-01, would eliminate the Florida's two major economic development agencies, I.e.,...
Keywords: Florida House Committee, Economic Development Agencies, Visit Florida, Economic Development Agencies
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