Florida is running with CU bed Shortage as the cases have gone up to 300,000
July 17, 2020 19:56
(Image source from: amazonaws.com)
Florida is facing Hospital bed shortage as the state has recorded more than 300 thousand cases up until now. The government appears to be powerless in the situation.
United States of America is the worst affected country by the Covid-19 pandemic till now. It has been standing on number one position for past couple of weeks. With more than 3.53 million confirmed cases and more than 138 thousand deaths. The recovery rate in the country is not even 50%. The number of recovered cases stands at just 1.03 million. The worldwide tally of coronavirus stands at 13.8 million confirmed cases.
Florida is one state in United States that has been recorded huge number of cases very single day. With around 13,965 new cases yesterday the number of Coronavirus cases in Florida stand at 316 thousand. The country had reported more than 70,000 cases on Thursday. Out of the 316 thousand coronavirus cases in Florida, 77000 were reported in the last week. Due to the high increase in cases the Hospitals in the state of Florida are running out of beds in the ICU’s and there has been a shortage declared.
The government is also looking helpless in the situation. The Trump administration which has been saying that the country is doing pretty good looks powerless now. The government officials also have been taking the situation lightly. One Governor, Kevin Sith in Oklahoma was seen in a restaurant of crowded people eating out and celebrating and not following social distancing norms. He was later tested positive for coronavirus.
The death toll nationwide as of Wednesday morning was 138,000 and climbing, with 3.53 million cases up until Friday. Four states in particular — Florida, Texas, Arizona and California — continued to account for most of the new cases and deaths. Florida has a death rate of more than 4,676 cases of which 156 death were reported on Thursday.
Florida, where the Republican convention is scheduled to be held next month, passed a dismal benchmark on Friday with more than 316,000 cases of COVID-19 reported since the start of the pandemic.
More than 77,000 cases were logged just in the last seven days, according to the Florida Department of Health.
Friday was the second deadliest day of the pandemic in Florida, with 156 fatalities. Finding a bed for all those sick people became increasingly harder with the Agency for Health Care Administration reporting that 54 hospitals in the state now have zero available beds in their intensive care units and another 40 hospitals have less than 10 percent bed availability in their ICUs.
Ten of the hospitals where no ICU beds are left are in Miami-Dade, the most populous county in Florida and the state’s top coronavirus hotspot. The state had been recklessly handling the covid-19 situation from the start and now is one of the highest hotspots in the country. Whether it was the government not handling the situation or the pubic not cooperating the whole situation had gotten the state to where it is now.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has taken heat for his handling of the crisis, stoked more anger recently by referring to the rising case numbers as ablip.
By Deepika Agarwal