The law enforcement officers could view the footage on their body cameras, before writing their official report of the incident, under the legislation moving in the Florida House. The Criminal Justice Subcommittee approved the legislation in this week by a vote of eleven to one.
The measure would allow the police to see and hear what is on their camera, and it would be up to the local law enforcement agencies to come up with policies and procedures about how the officer would review the footage.
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The bill sponsor Shawn Harrison said that cops respond to a wide range of calls each day, from something as simple as a barking dog to report the shots fired.
The Republican State Representative said that viewing their own body camera should help them remember what happened during a given call. Harrison said that, for the officer responding to a scene, things happen quickly. They probably do not have a full recollection of every single bit of the incident. This will allow them to review everything before they formally have to write up a report.
The body camera legislation has one more committee stop in the state House, before it would be ready for a vote by the whole chamber of the house.
Mrudula Duddempudi.