Several times you might have faced the need to place an urgent call and your phone just died, running out of acid. All you need is to make a few calls or place a few emails at the most and yet your phone has no juice left. Your clunky charger is in your bag and you can't find a power source. At times like these you will keep wishing for a fraction of your phones charge that will let you live for half an hour at least. For such times you need Devotec's Fuel microcharger. Shaped like a fuel can, it does what is advertised.
With a capacity of 220 mAh. This will charge up your phone to last just a little over half an hour. It is smaller than a quarter in size that you can lug it around anywhere you go right in your pocket. Heck! You can also you it as your keychain. Since it is made of pure die-cast aluminium, this is extremely light and greatly functional.
There are bigger chargers for your smartphone in your inventory but you might not be able to take them everywhere considering the size. This pint sized charger should be no problem at all for such times.
However, Apple fanboys have to wait a little longer until a lightning port is developed since it is available only in micro-USB now. Pre-order the microUSB model for $18 and if you delay the order, the price will be around $25 after the final retail version is out.
(AW- Anil)