Search Results On social distancing (Page 1 of 4)

social distancing (Page 1 of 4)

  • Omicron variant, WHO Omicron updates, omicron cases traced in 77 countries of the globe, Social distancing

    Omicron Cases Traced in 77 Countries of the Globe 2021-12-15 06:45:19

    Omicron is named as the most dangerous variant of coronavirus and it is first traced in South Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) asked the people to be extra cautious and asked them to wear facemasks and follow the social...

    Keywords: WHO Omicron updates, WHO breaking news, WHO Omicron latest, WHO Omicron updates

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    United Kingdom, Omicron UK breaking updates, omicron to have a serious impact on the united kingdom, Social distancing

    Omicron to Have a Serious Impact on the United Kingdom 2021-12-14 06:29:13

    The Omicron variant of coronavirus is leaving the world sleepless. Several countries witnessed a huge rise in the new cases after the health experts said that the variant is highly transmissible. The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine conducted...

    Keywords: Omicron, Omicron UK latest, Omicron UK April 2022, Omicron UK

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    USA population growth breaking news, USA population growth history, usa population growth dips badly due to the pandemic, Social distancing

    USA Population Growth Dips Badly Due to the Pandemic 2021-12-22 07:13:51

    The Omicron variant is making the world sleepless. The new daily tally cases in USA reached all-time high and more than 1.90 lakh new cases are reported yesterday in the nation. The government urged the people to be extra cautious...

    Keywords: USA population growth breaking updates, USA population growth history, USA population growth low, USA population growth low

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    Quarantine Rules India news, Quarantine Rules India breaking news, india lifts quarantine rules for foreign returnees, Social distancing

    India lifts Quarantine Rules for Foreign Returnees 2022-02-11 08:30:33

    The cases of coronavirus are now coming down across the globe. The third wave of the pandemic is almost done and the Union Home Ministry along with the state governments have been lifting the restrictions. On Thursday, the Union Home...

    Keywords: Quarantine Rules India updates, Quarantine Rules India latest updates, Quarantine Rules India news, Covid-19 rules

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    Coronavirus UK new updates, Coronavirus UK latest, uk reports the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths since march, Social distancing

    UK Reports the Highest Number of Coronavirus Cases and Deaths Since March 2021-10-21 08:48:36

    The entire world is slowly recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The second wave and the third wave of the pandemic calmed down and things are getting back to normal slowly. The lockdown ended three months ago and the United Kingdom...

    Keywords: Coronavirus UK latest, Coronavirus UK new updates, United Kingdom, Coronavirus

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    Coronavirus India, coronavirus india breaking news, top officials warn of third wave in india, Social distancing

    Top Officials Warn Of Third Wave In India 2021-12-31 05:56:00

    The entire nation is celebrating Christmas and New Year on a high note despite several restrictions and the spread of Omicron variant. States like Maharashtra, New Delhi and Karnataka imposed restrictions but the celebration would continue. The Health experts warn...

    Keywords: coronavirus India updates, coronavirus new cases, coronavirus India updates, coronavirus India updates

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