Search Results On shehla rashid shora

shehla rashid shora

  • Afzal Guru, Afzal Guru, shehla maintains that some slogans of not good taste were raised in jnu, Shehla rashid shora

    Shehla maintains that some slogans of not good taste were raised in JNU 2016-03-14 12:06:27

    Shehla Rashid Shora, Jawarharlal Nehru University vice-president (JNUSU), said that some slogans were raised on 9 February 2016, the day on which the program on Afzal Guru was held, which were not in good taste. She added that the comments...

    Keywords: JNUSU vice-president, JNUSU vice-president, Afzal Guru, JNUSU vice-president

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