Record 102 Women Sworn into U.S. House of Representatives 2019-01-05 04:34:53
On the first working day of the 116th Congress, a record of 102 women was sworn into the United States House of Representatives as Democrats regained control of the lower chamber for the first time in eight years. An Indian...
Keywords: tulsi gabbard, 116th congress, 116th congress swearing in, 116th congress calendar
Read MoreRamadan 2019: How Non-Muslim Countries Making It Plain Sailing for Muslims to Observe Month of Fasting 2019-05-28 12:14:23
The holy month of Ramadan for more than 1.6 billion Muslims around the world is underway and the challenges faced by Ramadan observers in non-Muslim countries is immense. What is Ramadan? Ramadan, the month of fasting, prayer, and reflection for...
Keywords: non muslim countries, how long is ramadan, ramadan meaning, muslims observing ramadan
Read MoreRep. Omar Apologizes for Her Remarks Which Triggered Anti-Semitism Row 2019-02-12 06:52:00
The United States Representative Illhan Abdhullahi Omar, one of the two Muslim women in the U.S. Congress, has "unequivocally" apologized for her remarks which sparked an anti-Semitism row and drew extensive criticism including from President Donald Trump who termed it a "terrible...
Keywords: ilhan abdullahi omar israel, ilhan omar twitter, representative, muslim politicians
Read More12 Famous Indian Festivals and Stories Behind Them 2019-07-02 07:13:08
Indian festivals are predominantly noted across the world for its striking celebrations with fun and frolic. From the much-loved Diwali to crazy Holi, each and every Indian festival has a unique account for celebrating. In case you are not enlightened...
Keywords: spiritual, spiritual, indian festivals pictures chart, regional festivals of india
Read More‘Boycott Amazon’ Hashtag Trends yet Again for Selling Doormats, Toilet Covers with Hindu God’s Image 2019-05-16 10:54:51
The hashtag Boycott Amazon is trending on Twitter for selling products that disrespect Hindu religious sentiments. The outrage went viral after Anshul Saxena, a Twitter user posted a picture of Amazon selling multiple toilet covers with a Hindu deity's image...
Keywords: is it time to boycott amazon, boycott amazon 2018, boycott amazon 2018, amazon boycott results
Read More‘India’s Air Strike Was a Failure’, Assert Residents of Jaba Village Where India Said It executed Bombing 2019-03-02 04:59:46
The only confirmed victim of India’s air strike against Pakistan that rocked his mud-brick house and left him with a cut above his right eye is still sceptical whether the air strike in fact claimed lives of untold number of...
Keywords: jaba village residents, air strike by India, jaba village residents, jaba village residents
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