Search Results On norwegian authorities (Page 1 of 2)

norwegian authorities (Page 1 of 2)

  • NRI child custody, Norway to India, norway to india handling child custody case as per our own law, Norwegian authorities

    Norway to India: Handling child custody case as per our own law 2016-12-28 04:47:12

    Norway has told India that, the authorities are handling the case involving the custody of a five-year-old child of an Indian family in accordance with the Norwegian Child Welfare Act, that includes directions from the UN Convention on the Rights...

    Keywords: Norway child custody, Norway NRI parents, Norwegian Child Welfare Act, NRI child custody

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    Indian Couple Children, Indian Couple in Norway, desperate indian couple might lose custody of children, Norwegian authorities

    Desperate Indian couple might lose custody of children 2012-03-22 06:51:58

    Frequent change of statements and internal disputes may be a major setback for the Indian couple stranded in Norway to regain the custody of their children. The Bhattacharyas in a legal tussle with the Child Welfare Services (CWS) to get...

    Keywords: Indian Couple in Norway, Stavangar, Indian Couple in Norway, Child Welfare Services

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    Child Welfare Department of Norway, Norway takes custody of child, norway takes custody of child nri parents protest, Norwegian authorities

    Norway takes custody of child, NRI parents protest 2016-12-22 06:11:42

    The Norwegian authorities has separated a five-year-old child from his NRI parents. The officials accused them of beating him up. The Indian Express reported, the boy’s father, Anil Kumar, said from Oslo, that, “The Child Welfare Department of Norway took...

    Keywords: NRI parents, NRI parents, five-year-old child of NRI parents, Norway takes custody of child

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    NRI kids, NRI kids, norwegian court to decide fate of 2nri kids in a week, Norwegian authorities

    Norwegian Court to decide fate of 2NRI kids in a week 2012-04-18 10:26:21

    The Norwegian Court that is trying the case of parental neglect of two NRI kids is likely to decide the fate of the duo next week. The parents, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, are exuding the confidence that the court will...

    Keywords: Norwegian Court, Manmohan Singh, Norway, Manmohan Singh

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    Norwegian authorities, Swaraj seeks report in NRI Child custody, sushma swaraj seeks report in nri child custody in norway, Norwegian authorities

    Sushma Swaraj seeks report in NRI Child custody in Norway 2016-12-24 09:22:17

    External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj sought a report from India's envoy to Norway on the allegations made by an NRI couple that the Norwegian authorities have taken custody of their five-year-old child alleging abuse. Swaraj tweeted, "I have asked Indian...

    Keywords: custody of their five-year-old NRI child, Norwegian authorities, Norwegian authorities, Sushma Swaraj

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    Bhattacharyas children, Stavangar, desperate indian couple might lose custody of children, Norwegian authorities

    Desperate Indian couple might lose custody of children 2012-03-22 07:28:53

    Frequent change of statements and internal disputes may be a major setback for the Indian couple stranded in Norway to regain the custody of their children. The Bhattacharyas in a legal tussle with the Child Welfare Services (CWS) to get...

    Keywords: Child Welfare Services, Custody care, Bhattacharyas children, Bhattacharyas children

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