Dubai student stands second rank in the world! 2013-05-21 11:12:16
Kartik Kolachina scored 98.75 in the ISC exams Dubai schools students uninterruptedly showcased their academic excellence by dominating in Indian Certifcate of Secondary Education (ICSE, Grade 10) and Indian School Certificate (ISC, Grade 12) examinations.The prominent example would be Kartik...
Keywords: Neha Nagendra, Serah Isaac, ICSE, Roshan Ganesh Bhaskar
Read MoreScams and scandals Big Tech Companies were involved with in 2020 2020-12-28 07:21:33
Apart from this year bringing in a lot of unfortunate events and news, this year was also a revolt in terms of tech companies screwing up. The year 2020 faced major issues with tech companies. The big guns issued apologies...
Keywords: Twitter, Whatsapp, IBM, technology
Read MoreDubai students record 100% in ICSE exams! 2013-05-21 05:32:50
Dubai students were known to have obtained excellence than their Indian counterparts in both Class 10 and Class 12 exams of the Council of Indian Certificate for Secondary Education (CICSE).Both class 10 (Indian Certificate for Secondary Education-ICSE) and class 12...
Keywords: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, national news update
Read MorePetrol price cut by 80 paise/litre, Diesel by Rs 1.30/litre 2015-04-15 13:32:07
India's state-run oil marketing companies have reduced retail prices for petrol by Rs 0.80 a litre and retail price of diesel by Rs 1.30 a litre responding to lower crude oil prices. The new rates would be effective from April...
Keywords: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Read MoreICSE schools in Southern India preserves number one spot! 2013-05-18 05:41:03
Remarkable fact remain that The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) schools in the Southern Region continued to continued to hold the number one position in the country in both ICSE (class 10) and ISC (class 12) 2013 examinations. The...
Keywords: ICSE schools in South India, West Bengal, Kerala, ICSE schools
Read MoreICSE, ISC results 2013 to get declared Today! 2013-05-17 07:44:50
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations will announce the results of the Indian School Certificate (ISC) Class XII and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Class X exams today that's on (May 17, 2013) at 3.00 p.m.Furthermore, it...
Keywords: ICSE & ISC 2013 results 2013, ISC 2013 results, ISC results 2013 to get declared Today, 2013 ICSE results.
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