Search Results On hondurans


  • Unites States, U.S Govt, trump administration to send immigrants back to honduras, Hondurans

    Trump Administration to Send Immigrants Back to Honduras 2018-05-05 06:39:02

    The Trump administration on Friday announced its decision on ending protections for the immigrants lived in the United States for about two decades after the hurricane that despoiled their country. The Department of Homeland Security proclaimed it was ending the...

    Keywords: U.S Govt, Honduras, Unites States, Trump administration

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    Indians illegally entering US, Indians in US, indians arrested for illegally entering u s nearly tripled cbp, Hondurans

    Indians Arrested for Illegally Entering U.S. Nearly Tripled: CBP 2018-09-29 09:11:04

    The United States Customs and Border Protection said on Friday the number of Indians arrested for illegally entering the U.S. has nearly tripled thus far in 2018, making them one of the largest groups of illegal aliens apprehended. CBP spokesman...

    Keywords: Zamora, US Customs and Border Protection, Indians illegally entering US, Zamora

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    Donald Trump, Honduran Migrant Caravan, trump vows full efforts to halt honduran migrant caravan, Hondurans

    Trump Vows 'Full Efforts' to Halt Honduran Migrant Caravan 2018-10-22 09:51:12

    Thousands of Honduran migrants whose journey toward the United States has prompted a sequence of rants from the U.S. President Donald Trump recommenced their long march Sunday after crossing a river into Mexico.President Donald Trump said Sunday that "full efforts"...

    Keywords: Hondurans, Migrants, United States, rants

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