Search Results On gst bill (Page 1 of 3)

gst bill (Page 1 of 3)

  • Arun Jaitley, Goods and services tax, fm arun jaitley no bank privatization gst implementation on target, Gst bill

    FM Arun Jaitley: No bank privatization, GST implementation on target 2016-09-08 08:01:08

    The government will attempt to press ahead with implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) from April 1, 2017, pitching the proposed tax reform as a key priority for the government, Finance minister Arun Jaitley said. Jaitley said that,...

    Keywords: Finance minister, Arun Jaitley, Goods and services tax, Arun Jaitley

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    Andhra Politics, Andhra Politics, is chandra babu naidu only source to replace modi, Gst bill

    Is Chandra Babu Naidu Only Source To Replace MODI ? 2018-04-23 08:42:14

    The deep unrest in Indian Politics is taking turns aiming to bring down BJP Lead NDA from its over confident and controversial policies. Many senior Politicians across the Country says that, they have never ever seen such type of disrespectful...

    Keywords: Andhra Politics, CBN Replace modi, CBN Replace modi, Andhra Politics

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    John Kerry, India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue, india us s cd to reflect upon progress made so far, Gst bill

    India-US S&CD to reflect upon progress made so far! 2016-08-27 10:54:58

    A senior American official says the India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue (S&CD) will be an opportunity for the both countries to reflect upon the progress made under the outgoing Barack Obama administration and chart the path forward. The comment came...

    Keywords: John Kerry, India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue, New Delhi, New Delhi

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    Parliament Center Hall, Parliament Center Hall, countdown to gst rollout begins, Gst bill

    Countdown to GST Rollout Begins 2017-06-30 09:22:48

    India is all set to embrace its biggest tax reform ever, as the 'Goods and Services Tax' (GST) goes into effect from midnight with a star-stubbed session in Parliament's Center Hall. The new tax order is expected to rewrite the...

    Keywords: GST Midnight Launch, GST Launch, Parliament Center Hall, Narendra Modi

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    GST, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, gst exemption limit fixed by council tax rates next month, Gst bill

    GST Exemption Limit fixed by Council, tax rates next month 2016-09-23 11:44:44

    The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council fixed the turnover-based exemption limit from such levies at Rs 20 lakh in the first set of decisions, while the limit is Rs 10 lakh in the north-east region. The Finance Minister Arun...

    Keywords: Rs 20 lakh, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Goods and Services Tax, Rs 20 lakh

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    GST on customers, Impact of GST on customers, impact of gst on customers, Gst bill

    Impact of GST on customers! 2016-09-15 11:24:08

    As India steps up for 'one nation, one tax', the ambitious goods and services tax (GST) is all set to be reality soon! The GST is expected to de-shackle India of its complex indirect tax structure and enable a single...

    Keywords: Goods and service tax, GST on customers, GST on customers, Impact of GST on customers

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