Search Results On google glass

google glass

  • , , searching director aneesh chaganty is latest sensation in u s, Google glass

    'Searching' Director Aneesh Chaganty is Latest Sensation in U.S. 2018-09-14 08:44:54

    The 27-year-old Indian origin filmmaker Aneesh Chaganty is the latest sensation in the United States. His debut film 'Searching' has been proclaimed a critical and commercial success. Made with a shoestring budget, the film has up to now grossed about...

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    Hugo Barra, top Googler quits company, heart broken top googler quits company, Google glass

    Heart-broken, top Googler quits company 2013-08-30 06:39:03

    Hugo Barra, the vice president of the Google Android team, is quitting  the company and why? Barra, who has been instrumental in developing Android, has handed his resignation, and will soon be moving to Xiaomi, a Chinese company that makes...

    Keywords: Hugo Barra, top Googler quits company, googler, Hugo Barra

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    ohio state university, ohio state university, google glass advances to medical world, Google glass

    Google Glass advances to medical world 2013-09-02 04:09:47

    Of late occurrence that Google Glass has been used to assist surgeons as well medical students at the Ohio State University at the same time known to be giving an experience to surgeons that they never realized in precedence of...

    Keywords: google glass advances to medical world, great gain from google glass, google glass, great gain from google glass

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    regularly, developers, google glass is it losing faith, Google glass

    Google Glass is it losing faith? 2014-11-18 12:55:12

    Google Glass is a type of wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display which a person can wear regularly pair of like new smart phone were access of data without needing a look to hanle device.Displays above your eye...

    Keywords: developers, smartness, smartness, vision

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