Search Results On economist intelligence unit

economist intelligence unit

  • The competitive cities, New York, indian cities ranked far behind among world s most competitive cities, Economist intelligence unit

    Indian cities ranked far behind among world's most competitive cities 2012-03-14 15:10:07

    Indian cities ranked far behind. Mumbai ranked 70 among the competitiveness of 120 of the world’s major cities, while Delhi ranked 68, Bangalore ranked 79 and Ahmadabad ranked 92. New York and London are the world's most competitive cities, revealed...

    Keywords: physical capital, Economist Intelligence Unit, New York, financial maturity

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    China, China population latest, china reports a decline in the population in 60 years, Economist intelligence unit

    China Reports a Decline in the Population in 60 Years 2023-01-17 08:33:19

    The Chinese population has come down for the first time in 60 years after the national birth rate touched a record low of 6.77 births per 1000 people. The population of the country in 2022 was 1.4118 billion and it...

    Keywords: China population reports, China population, China population researchers, China population breaking updates

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