Search Results On crime against women (Page 1 of 3)

crime against women (Page 1 of 3)

  • India’s rank in Women's Danger Index, India’s rank in Women's Danger Index, endless cases of sexual assault abuses make india one of the unsafe countries for solo women travelers, Crime against women

    Endless Cases of Sexual Assault, Abuses Make India One of the Unsafe Countries for Solo Women Travelers 2019-07-18 05:04:06

    The rise of sexual assault and abuses against women in India is surely making each one’s blood run cold. According to the latest study - Women's Danger Index, undertaken by two bloggers, India ranks 9th in the list of most...

    Keywords: India in Women's Danger Index, sexual assault, crime against womens in india statistics 2017, how safe is india for a woman

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    One bride torched in India every hour, Dowry Deaths In India, one bride torched in india every hour, Crime against women

    One bride torched in India every hour 2013-09-02 06:23:27

    Dowry deaths have become so rampant in India that we have stopped paying any attention to it, unless it's our daughter, sister, niece or friend who is torched down by greedy in-laws. But are you aware that every hour a...

    Keywords: Dowry Deaths In India, One bride torched in India every hour, Dowry Deaths, Domestic Violence

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    Mukesh Singh, Will Nirbhaya get justice today, will nirbhaya get justice today, Crime against women

    Will Nirbhaya get justice today? 2013-09-10 04:43:42

    Roughly one-year after the gruesome Nirbhaya gangrape case appalled the entire nation, it's about time that her debauchers meet their fateful end, literally. The fast-track court headed by Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna will roll out judgment against four of...

    Keywords: crime against women, juvenile court, Akshay Thakur, crime against women

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    crime against women, crime against women, india no country for women, Crime against women

    India – no country for women! 2013-08-28 07:57:15

    Is India the new Taliban? Are women safe in the country? Can a woman dare to step out alone in India? Will Indian men ever treat women with respect? With cases of assault and rape going rampant in the country,...

    Keywords: women unsafe in India, India – no country for women, crime against women, women unsafe in India

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    Women, Women, study india most unsafe country for women u s ranks third, Crime against women

    Study: India Most Unsafe Country for Women, U.S. Ranks Third 2018-06-26 05:21:15

    A poll of global experts released on Tuesday found that India is the world's most unsafe country for women due to the high peril of sexual ferocity and being constrained into slave labor.  The Thomson Reuters Foundation survey of about...

    Keywords: Women, U.S., Country, Study

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    political crime, unguarded aspiration, positivity utilized positively, Crime against women

    Positivity utilized positively! 2013-08-21 12:15:33

    Do you have the guts to face the truth??? Then read further..... Can we really obey it???? Yes, we have to think twice, due to fact that our monotonous life- cycle has made us like a machine. We no more...

    Keywords: crime on women, Positivity utilized positively, Positivity utilized positively, Indian crimes

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