Search Results On cooking rice

cooking rice

  • Rice recipes, Rice recipes, veg dish cabbage fried rice, Cooking rice

    Veg dish, Cabbage fried rice! 2016-04-01 13:07:18

    Spiced Indian style cabbage fried rice is a good lunch option in busy lives. The dish is combined with Indian spices, and has mild flavor. The dish is quite different from the casual Chinese veg fried rice with a unique...

    Keywords: cabbage fried rice, Rice recipes, Rice recipes, Rice recipes

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    Potato palav, vegetable special food, vegetable biryani with baby potatoes, Cooking rice

    Vegetable Biryani with Baby Potatoes! 2015-04-28 13:04:06

    Potatoes are rich source of complex carbohydrates, fibre, calories without fat, cholesterol or sodium. Let us see how the best biryani with baby potatoes can be prepared. Ingredients: 15 baby potatoes (peeling is optional) 1 Onion 4 Green Chilies Garam...

    Keywords: Basmati Rice food, Potato palav, Yummy Indian food, Basmati Rice food

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    cooking pasta, gas and electricity, boiling vegetables, Cooking rice

    Boiling Vegetables 2013-08-12 09:46:48

    Cut your time and electricity/gas when you are cooking vegetables and rice/ pasta. You don't have to separately cook rice and then boil vegetables on diffeent stoves. A simple investment will save you a lot on time, gas and electricity....

    Keywords: colander, cooking vegetables, choping the vegetables, dal.

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