Search Results On career goals

career goals

  • Cristiano Ronaldo kicks his way into history, Cristiano Ronaldo, cristiano ronaldo kicks his way into history, Career goals

    Cristiano Ronaldo kicks his way into history 2013-09-18 10:18:14

    Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo is unbeatable. He has scored another hat-trick at the Champions League, earning himself the distinction of being the 4th highest scorer in the league history. This would also count as his second Champions League hat-trick....

    Keywords: Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldo Champions league score, Lionel Messi., Ronaldo scores third hat-trick

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    Women career, kids and work, successful women strike right work life balance, Career goals

    Successful women strike right Work-Life balance! 2016-05-09 10:34:27

    Work-Life balance is a concept that may look pretty simple but needs to be tactfully dealt with! It is a lifestyle related choice of prioritizing between ‘work’ like career, ambition and ‘lifestyle’ i.e. family, health, pleasure and so on. Most...

    Keywords: Women career, family life, family life, career goals

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    fit body, health, healthy body leads to successful life, Career goals

    Healthy Body Leads to Successful Life 2013-11-25 08:35:40

    Health is wealth. We are all aware of this adage. It actually holds true for our life as the secret of a successful life is in our health. Having a fit body means you have a healthy body, free from...

    Keywords: healthy body, health is wealth, health, successful life

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