Search Results On astronomers (Page 1 of 3)

astronomers (Page 1 of 3)

  • Chinese spy satellite updates, YUNHAI 1-02 lead, chinese spy satellite damaged by a mysterious collision, Astronomers

    Chinese Spy Satellite Damaged by a Mysterious Collision 2021-08-21 10:15:48

    A Chinese rocket entered into the earth's atmosphere in May 2021 and this left many surprised. None of them could develop any leads about this mysterious collision that took place in space a couple of months ago. The US Space...

    Keywords: YUNHAI 1-02 broken, YUNHAI 1-02 earth orbit, Chinese spy satellite updates, Chinese spy satellite breaking news

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    Astronomers updates, Astronomers breaking news, astronomers spotted a distant planet that is making its own moon, Astronomers

    Astronomers Spotted a Distant Planet That is Making its Own Moon 2021-07-24 09:38:04

    The Astronomers announced that they have captured a distant planet that even made its own moon. They say that they have captured an alien moon that is in the making. The planet had enough gas and dust in orbit which...

    Keywords: Astronomers new moon, Astronomers new moon, Astronomers on new moon, Astronomers news

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    Islamic new year, Hijri New Year, hijri new year likely to begin from september 1 astronomers, Astronomers

    Hijri New Year Likely to Begin from September 1: Astronomers 2019-08-29 09:57:52

    An astronomical body on Thursday announced that the crescent moon for the Islamic New Year, Hijri, is likely to be seen on August 31 (Saturday) in most countries in the Middles East, including the United Arab Emirates and Africa. However,...

    Keywords: Hijri, Hijri New Year, Islamic new year, Islamic new year

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    Maha Kumbh 2025 seven planets, Maha Kumbh 2025, maha kumbh to end with all seven planets of solar system visible from india, Astronomers

    Maha Kumbh to end with all seven planets of Solar System visible from India 2025-02-20 15:21:56

    As the Maha Kumbh of 2025 draws near to its conclusion, an extraordinary astronomical event is taking place in the night sky above our planet. All seven planets of the solar system are set to be observable. These planets—Mercury, Venus,...

    Keywords: Maha Kumbh 2025 latest breaking, Maha Kumbh 2025, Maha Kumbh 2025 breaking, Maha Kumbh 2025 latest breaking

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    trans- Neptunion Objects, trans- Neptunion Objects, researchers find new minor planets beyond neptune, Astronomers

    Researchers find new minor planets beyond Neptune 2020-03-13 13:20:06

    The researchers have used data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and have found more than 300 trans- Neptunian objects (TNOs) and minor planets which are said to be located in the far reaches of the solar system, including more...

    Keywords: trans- Neptunion Objects, minor planets, trans- Neptunion Objects, trans- Neptunion Objects

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    planet, 49 Ceti, 40 million year old star has been discovered by the astronomers, Astronomers

    40 Million-year-old star has been discovered by the Astronomers 2019-12-24 11:06:40

    A young star named 49 Ceti has been discovered by the astronomers. The star is surrounded by an astonishing mass of gas which questions about the understanding of the planet formation. It is said to be about 40 million years...

    Keywords: planet, 49 Ceti, planet, planet

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