Search Results On al qaeda (Page 1 of 4)

al qaeda (Page 1 of 4)

  • Grave Situation In Syria, Grave Situation In Syria breaking, india s midnight advisory over grave situation in syria, Al qaeda

    India's Midnight Advisory Over Grave Situation In Syria 2024-12-07 13:55:21

    Concerned about the deteriorating situation in Syria, the Indian government late last night advised all Indian citizens to “completely avoid travel to Syria until further notice.” In a statement providing emergency numbers and email IDs, the Ministry of External Affairs...

    Keywords: Grave Situation In Syria new breaking, Grave Situation In Syria breaking, Grave Situation In Syria for Indians, Grave Situation In Syria for Indians

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    tulsi gabbard, trump, trump slams tulsi gabbard for alleging that he supports al qaeda, Al qaeda

    Trump Slams Tulsi Gabbard for Alleging That He Supports Al-Qaeda 2019-08-02 09:37:52

    President Donald Trump slammed Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard for alleging that he is supporting the terror group Al Qaeda during the second Democratic presidential debate on Wednesday. The first Hindu ever running for the U.S. presidency accused Trump of...

    Keywords: tulsi gabbard, trump, trump supporting Al-Qaeda, trump slams tulsi gabbard

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    Afghanistan, Joe Biden news, joe biden responds on taliban taking over afghanistan, Al qaeda

    Joe Biden Responds on Taliban Taking over Afghanistan 2021-08-17 06:51:55

    In a shocking move, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and this turned out to be a rude shock for USA. American President Joe Biden responded for the first time on the incident. He posted "We went to Afghanistan almost 20...

    Keywords: Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden social media, Joe Biden latest speech

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    9/11 terrorist attacks, 9/11 anniversary, 9 11 anniversary u s to remember victims first responders, Al qaeda

    9/11 Anniversary: U.S. to Remember Victims, First Responders 2019-09-11 05:49:54

    The time will stand still across the United States on Wednesday at 8:46 a.m. marking the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed over 2,900 people in 2011. The annual commemoration of the Al Qaeda terror attack will remember at least 117 people...

    Keywords: remember 9/11 anniversary, 9/11 terrorist attacks, remember 9/11 anniversary, remember 9/11 anniversary

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    Barack Obama about India, Barack Obama about India, barack obama grew up listening to ramayana and mahabharata, Al qaeda

    Barack Obama Grew Up Listening to Ramayana and Mahabharata 2020-11-17 09:45:12

    Obama shares that he spent his childhood listening to the Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. He always have a special place for India, though he had never visited to India before Presidential visit in 2010.Former US President Barack Obama listened...

    Keywords: Obama’s book, Barack Obama about India, Barack Obama about India, Barack Obama about India

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    Bin Laden death breaking news, Bin Laden new updates, bin laden continues to mobilize jihadists ten years after his death, Al qaeda

    Bin Laden continues to mobilize jihadists ten years after his death 2021-04-27 09:22:06

    Osama Bin Laden happens to be the world's most brutal terrorist and he was the one who floated ISI. He stays as an emblem of radical Islamists. It has been a decade since Osama was killed in Pakistan by the...

    Keywords: Bin Laden breaking news, Bin Laden latest, Bin Laden new updates, Bin Laden death updates

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