Search Results On adolescents (Page 1 of 4)

adolescents (Page 1 of 4)

  • Obesity in Children medication, Obesity in Children latest, tips to manage obesity in children, Adolescents

    Tips to manage Obesity in Children 2024-08-10 12:28:35

    Childhood obesity is a global problem that has multiple impacts now and in the future. According to a March 2024 report from the World Health Organization, "by 2022, more than 390 million children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 years...

    Keywords: Obesity in Children disadvantages, Obesity in Children disadvantages, Obesity in Children news, Obesity in Children breaking

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    Intermittent fasting latest update, Intermittent fasting for teenagers, intermittent fasting can be unsafe for teenagers study, Adolescents

    Intermittent fasting can be unsafe for teenagers: Study 2025-02-18 14:15:23

    A recent study emphasizes the importance of adolescents consulting with healthcare professionals prior to initiating any intermittent fasting practices to evaluate possible risks and advantages, while also finding the most suitable strategy for their unique situations. This study, published in...

    Keywords: Intermittent fasting breaking, Intermittent fasting new breaking, Intermittent fasting age list, Intermittent fasting teens

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    Heart Stroke stress, Heart Stroke warning signs, silent warning signs of stroke you shouldn t ignore, Adolescents

    Silent warning signs of Stroke you shouldn’t Ignore 2024-12-17 15:08:31

    Recently, young people in their 20s and 30s are suffering from strokes (a disease that often affects older people). An unhealthy lifestyle, chronic stress and the increasing prevalence of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes among young people...

    Keywords: Heart Stroke warning signs latest breaking, Heart Stroke latest, Heart Stroke latest, Heart Stroke warning signs tips

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    Covaxin breaking, Covaxin latest, covaxin infected 50 percent of the teens, Adolescents

    Covaxin infected 50 percent of the Teens 2024-05-24 07:51:56

    A study conducted by Upinder Kaur and her team of 11 researchers from Banaras Hindu University has revealed that almost half of the adolescents who received Bharat Biotech's Covaxin vaccine reported infections, primarily upper respiratory tract infections, within a year...

    Keywords: Covaxin breaking, Covaxin teens impact, Covaxin impact on teens, Covaxin

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    Obesity Crisis latest, Obesity Crisis research, how severe is obesity crisis in india, Adolescents

    How Severe Is Obesity Crisis In India? 2025-02-24 14:52:43

    Indians find themselves alongside the United States and China on the obesity spectrum, with approximately 80 million individuals classified as obese, according to a report by Lancet. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi kicked off an anti-obesity initiative following a discussion...

    Keywords: Obesity Crisis in India, Obesity Crisis report, Obesity Crisis research, Modi on Obesity Crisis

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    Mental Health Crisis Vs Adolescence, Mental Health Crisis Vs Adolescence news, mental health crisis among adolescents, Adolescents

    Mental Health Crisis Among Adolescents 2025-02-28 15:31:24

    The period of adolescence is a pivotal phase of growth, yet today's young people confront unprecedented challenges that significantly affect their mental well-being. The impact of social media, societal pressures, and heightened academic demands have contributed to a troubling rise...

    Keywords: Adolescents, Mental Health Crisis Vs Adolescence updates, Mental Health Crisis Vs Adolescence, Mental Health Crisis Vs Adolescence news

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