Search Results On aclu (Page 1 of 3)

aclu (Page 1 of 3)

  • mindy kaling age, Indian american actress mindy kaling, indian american actress mindy kaling celebrates 40th birthday by donating 40k to various charities, Aclu

    Indian American Actress Mindy Kaling Celebrates 40th Birthday by Donating $40k to Various Charities 2019-06-26 07:02:03

    An Indian American actress Mindy Kaling celebrated her 40th birthday on June 24 by donating a cool grand to 40 different charities and asking fans for suggestions on where to contribute. The Mindy Project actress announced her plans on Monday...

    Keywords: mindy kaling, mindy kaling age, mindy kaling birthday, mindy kaling

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    ACLU, presidential election, florida sued over law barring ex cons from right to vote in 2020 presidential election, Aclu

    Florida Sued Over Law Barring Ex-Cons from Right to Vote in 2020 Presidential Election 2019-06-29 07:09:42

    Human rights groups on Friday sued Florida over a law that in effect denies more than a million ex-convicts the right to vote in the 2020 presidential election in the key swing state. Governor Rick DeSantis, a Republican, had earlier...

    Keywords: ACLU, ACLU, Right to Vote in 2020 Presidential Election. 2020 preisdential election, Right to Vote in 2020 Presidential Election. 2020 preisdential election

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    sikh, us air force logo, american air force allows sikh airman to wear turban and beard while serving, Aclu

    American Air Force Allows Sikh Airman to Wear Turban and Beard While Serving 2019-06-08 05:11:20

    The United States Air Force has granted a religious accommodation for a Sikh airman allowing him to serve with a beard, turban, and unshorn hair, making him the first active-duty airman to receive such an accommodation. Harpreetinder Singh Bajwa, a...

    Keywords: us air force logo, american air force, US air force, air force requirements

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    US visa applicants, us visa application india, u s visa applicants now need to submit 5 year social media details, Aclu

    U.S. Visa Applicants Now Need to Submit 5-Year Social Media Details 2019-06-03 04:11:02

    Under the new rule put forth by the United States, virtually all the applicants of the U.S. visas should now have to provide information details of their social media handles going back five years. The new rule is expected to...

    Keywords: immigration, us embassy, us visa appointment, us visa status

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    national security, donald trump, trump to declare national emergency to build border wall, Aclu

    Trump to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall 2019-02-15 10:38:23

    In a bid to empower to fund the construction of the United States-Mexico border wall, the United States President Donald Trump will sign an executive order declaring a national emergency. The move would help Trump acquire $5.6 billion for the...

    Keywords: trump border wall, border wall for national security, border wall prototypes, national emergency for border wall

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    parents deported from US, what happens if i marry an illegal immigrant, 471 parents deported from u s without their children reveals court filing, Aclu

    471 Parents Deported from U.S. Without Their Children, Reveals Court Filing 2019-03-07 12:26:14

    The United States authorities have deported nearly 471 parents without their children, revealed a court filing. The revelation came on Wednesday in the ongoing family separation lawsuit, CNN reported. President Donald Trump’s administration has previously acknowledged that parents were removed...

    Keywords: undocumented child immigrants, can you be deported if your child is a citizen, child deportation laws, the traumatic effects of forced deportation on families

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