Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Responds to Racist and slavery ad by Kalyan Jewellers!
April 23, 2015 05:48
(Image source from: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Responds to Racist and slavery ad by Kalyan Jewellers!})
Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Kalyan Jewellers have responded to the human rights activists version over their ad-campaign, where the racist advertisement depicted Aishwarya was seen with dark-skinned slave-boy.
Kalyan Jewellers has said, "The creative was intended to present the royalty, timeless beauty and elegance. However, if we have inadvertently hurt the sentiments of any individual or organisation, we deeply regret the same. We have started the process of withdrawing this creative from our campaign"
Actress’ publist or representative informed that she was not involved in the final image that appeared in the popular news on 17 April. With a statement, "On the onset we would like to thank you on drawing our attention to the observation of the perception of the advertisement. Here is an attachment of the shot taken by somebody during the shoot. The final layout of the ad is entirely the prerogative of the creative team for a brand. However shall forward your article as a viewpoint that can be taken into consideration by the creative team of professional working on the brand visual communication." They have accompanied an image.
Some activists have written an open letter to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, stating she might have unthinkingly supported slavery by children and have depicted dark skinned boy carrying umbrella (racist). The letter was written collectively by feminist writer Farah Naqvi, Enakshi Ganguly, Harsh Mander and Shantha Sinha, a former chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.