A sensational video of scientists of Wuhan CDC collecting samples in bat caves
June 09, 2021 07:44
(Image source from: businessinsider.com)
The entire world is aware of the fact that the deadly coronavirus that is shaking the world emerged from a lab in China. A video from 2019 December is now circulated across social media that shows that experts from Wuhan CDC have been spotted collecting virus samples from the bat caves in the region. The Wuhan CDC said that it never stored or conducted any study on coronavirus or bat viruses before the pandemic started. The USA intelligence reports made it clear that coronavirus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan. When the World Health Organization conducted a month-long investigation, the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention told that they never stored or studied any coronavirus or bat viruses before the pandemic broke out.
But the video released by the Chinese state media that is released in 2019 before the outbreak of coronavirus raises many doubts about the assertion. The documentary that lasted for seven minutes in December 2019 showed the staff of Wuhan CDC collecting samples from pipistrelle bats and horseshoe in the bat caves in the Hubei province. Studies say that the bats are rich in various viruses and they are responsible for various human diseases. A study told that four epidemics took place because of bats in the last 46 years in Asia and Africa. The video did not clarify about the dates when the shots of scientists were filmed but it confirmed that the Wuhan CDC scientists were doing a research in the bat caves.
By Siva Kumar