(Image source from: neweurope.eu)
With the Covid-19 outbreak affecting over 3.9 million people and being the reason for over 270,000 deaths, the condition has created ripples through the world. Majority of the severely affected countries are either on a lockdown or have stay at home orders imposed.
Economy is crashing which is one of the reasons why the political leaders have been adamant in lifting the lockdowns to get businesses running again.
Addressing these prospects, the World Health Organisation, on Wednesday exclaimed that the governments across the world should be extremely cautious about lifting lockdowns. The global health organisation emphasised on the fact saying that the sudden, unplanned lifting can hamper all the containment measures and could cause a spike in the number of infected cases in the countries.
"The risk of returning to lockdown remains very real if countries do not manage the transition extremely carefully and in a phased approach," WHO Director-General stated.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus further warned the nations saying that the tracking systems and the quarantine provisions should be checked thoroughly to further keep an eye on the spread of the disease.
Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO epidemiologist also emphasised on the words of the WHO Director-General saying that the sudden lifting of the lockdown can make the virus take off. This is the reason why it is important that suitable and planned execution of the process should be done.
Some of the worst hit countries including Germany, Spain, Italy and US have started lifting lockdown restrictions in a phased manner.
US President Donald Trump even exclaimed saying that the country has been successful in flattening the curve and is ready for a “phased and gradual reopening” even though the number of infected cases and death has not stopped yet.
Trump addressed the country, thanking the citizens for their profound commitment that has successfully helped flatten the curve and countless American lives have been saved.
But, to that, WHO reported that although the decision about the lifting of the lockdown lies in the hands of the government, they would advice the countries to lift the lockdown only is “absolutely necessary.”
By Somapika Dutta