After the years of debate and protest, Jacksonville is set to enact protection for the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. The city will vote on the controversial HRO amendment which adds that class of people to the groups already protected under the city’s human rights ordinance on Tuesday.
The amendment has passed in three committees but there has been pressure put on the council members to change votes.The big crowds and demonstrations for and against the amendment are expected on Tuesday at the Hemming Park and also in front of the city hall.
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A planned march around the city hall by church members against the HRO expansion is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. Those in the favor of proposal also plan to be there in force, handing out the Valentine's Day treats at the door. The Ministers who support the HRO expansion will also hold prayer services.
At least 10 of the 19 council members could vote for the passage. If thirteen members in the council vote in favor of the amendment, then it would be enough to override a mayoral veto.
Thirteen members voted in the favor of amendment in one of the three committees, or have indicated that they will vote for the expansion. Two members, Al Ferraro and Lori Boyer, did not vote in the committee. Another member, Garrett Dennis, could change his yes vote to no.
By Mrudula.