Ban these relationship myths October 25, 2014 09:25
A relationships has to be nurtured by the couple. It's fate cannot be based on beliefs or myths. Many couples break-up because of faulty relationship myths. Don't be a victim of relationship myths that mar…
Read MorePeople who can cheat on you? October 25, 2014 08:07
Rock N' Roll Fansfound that 41 percent of cheaters prefer rock music to all other genres. Your best bet for a loyal partner? Rap lovers. Says survey from Twitter UsersSocial media can be harmful…
Read MoreKnow each other and proceed October 24, 2014 12:11
Dating is sometimes harder than it should be. After countless dinners and drinks. But when dating is done right, it can be amazing, and those great dates often lead to great relationships. So consider this…
Read MoreMen you should avoid dating October 24, 2014 07:20
Most women realise that there is nothing called a 'perfect man' after dating one or two men. So they tend to get into a relationship with a man after a few dates. In the intial…
Read MoreMake more and more love October 22, 2014 11:01
We always think about our relationships, taltk about our relationships and our relationship status but we forget for after what we are for? With confusion we say that, need of relationship and we live craving…
Read More5 Reasons why men cheat in a relationship October 22, 2014 09:04
Men are known to cheat their partners at some time or the other. Relationship experts have found several reason as to why men cheat. Many feel neglected and cheat their partner to spite her. Others…
Read MoreBoth are so Dissimilar October 21, 2014 12:22
Some are confused about difference between friendship and love. Below points which say that both are not same. Friendship and love. Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What…
Read MoreBuild strong relationship with your partner October 21, 2014 10:41
Are you having repeated fights, trust issues or facing boredon with your partner? Here are some easy ways to create a strong relationship. The relationship between you and your partner will depend on how you…
Read MoreSoulmate Happy life October 20, 2014 09:10
Here are some extraordinary points why we need soulmate,soulmate is the heal to lead happiness to avoid lonliness and leads to happiness. Couples are fortunate,they wont search for love because every day they are living…
Read MorePlaces to avoid on first date October 20, 2014 07:33
Are you meeting this special person for a first date? Great! Plan the date meticulously as it will decide whether you get to meet the person on a second date. And if things work out…
Read MoreGet more and more love October 18, 2014 12:06
Some experience made me to write this few lines to maintain your relationship healthier and want to be loved for ever-ever and to be respected. here аrе some hеlрful tiрѕ whiсh may be uѕе. 1. First…
Read MoreJazz up your relationship October 18, 2014 08:12
Within few years of marriage or relationship the spark seems to have gone out of it. This is mainly because both the partners begin to follow a routine life, which becomes boring very soon. The…
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