Immigrating abroad Is it the right choice for you?
Moving overseas many citizens of India think about. While those desiring to move abroad may have their own reasons for wanting to immigrate to western countries. Let me list some common ones that are frequently mentioned.
1.Job opportunities are better abroad.
2.Similar jobs pay a lot more in western countries than they do in India.
3.Standard of living is higher abroad when compared with India.
4.Education for children is better than India.
To settle abroad is a dream for a many Indian citizens. The wonderful life in the west where money is freely available is a common myth that circulates in India.
Remember the time when conversations that went like. "even a mail man has a car in America..." Even today going abroad is considered to be the fastest way to riches by many people in Asian countries.
As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Yes and sometimes it really is. To go overseas or not depends on ones personal circumstances.
Potential immigrants during interviews with officials of foreign countries are probably nervous and so anxious to get their applications for immigrant visas approved that they hesitate to ask questions, perhaps they feel that their questions may annoy the interviewer and possibly result in rejection of their visa application.
Do your self and your family a favor, during your interview ask all the questions you may have to make an informed decision. If you hear a doctor can make approximately $200,000 a year in the United States.
If you are a doctor, do not jump to the conclusion that you can expect to start earning such an amount also. You will need to meet the licensing requirements for USA before you can even make your first dollar as a doctor there.
Source: NRI Information