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QA Training with CRM Domain Project
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Customer Relationship management is perhaps the only concept that is common to all businesses irrespective of what product they are selling or what service they are providing. This makes the CRM module a perfect domain to “learn once and implement many times”.
iiTworkforce offer projects in the following domains:
> Telecom
> Banking | Finance
> Supply Chain Management
> Healthcare
What we offer our Trainees
> Hands on practical work experience on real time projects
> End-to-end scenarios
> UI, Middleware, Backend
> Presentations / demos by each participant
> Track the daily assignments / work
> Build resume with the project worked in this program
> Prepare for phone | Skype | Face 2 Face interviews
> Submit resume to clients / vendors / recruiters
> Give References on project written in resume to clients / vendors / recruiters
> Client interview
> Get Job
> Survive on job
Contact us:
Email: work@iitworkforce.com
Call: 408-715-7889
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