Search Results On wildfire smoke

wildfire smoke

  • State Of Emergency, Wildfire, governor declares state of emergency in florida, Wildfire smoke

    Governor Declares State Of Emergency In Florida 2017-04-12 12:43:03

    Firefighters are battling with wildfires in Florida near the Georgia line to Miami-Dade County in the south as the governor declared a state of emergency on Tuesday. Gov. Rick Scott said that the proclamation will make it easier for the...

    Keywords: State Of Emergency, State Of Emergency, Florida Top Story, State Of Emergency

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    Oregon to Colorado, Oregon to Colorado, hard to see hard to breathe u s west struggles with smoke, Wildfire smoke

    Hard to See, Hard to Breathe: U.S. West Struggles with Smoke 2018-08-21 11:48:58

    Across the United States West, the wildfire smokes clogged sky, from Oregon to Colorado blotting out mountains and city skylines, flight delays and forcing the government to warn even healthy adults in the Seattle area to remain indoors.For the second...

    Keywords: U.S. West, Oregon to Colorado, U.S. West, United States West

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    New York latest, New York, smog choking new york, Wildfire smoke

    Smog Choking New York 2023-06-09 14:10:31

    New York citizens are struggling with severe air pollution for the first time. Smoke is choking the city. Authorities have alerted the people and we can see the photos of New York largely deserted, this was worst after the pandemic....

    Keywords: New York smog levels, New York breaking news, New York pollution, New York smoke

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