Search Results On unique identification number

unique identification number

  • NRI news, Aadhaar Card for NRIs, aadhaar not mandatory for nris, Unique identification number

    Aadhaar not mandatory for NRIs 2017-06-20 12:54:20

    Non-Residential-Indians (NRIs) across the world get a sign of relief after the Indian government officials clarified that NRIs were exempted from the mandatory requirement of Aadhaar card to file tax returns in India effective July 1. Since only Indian residents are...

    Keywords: PAN, Aadhaar-PAN link, PAN, Aadhaar Card for NRIs

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    elephants, unique identification number, tamed elephants in india to get unique identification numbers like aadhar, Unique identification number

    Tamed Elephants in India to get Unique Identification Numbers like Aadhar 2020-09-22 10:46:31

    India has 2454 domesticated elephants out of which 1000 are in Assam, 500 in Kerala, and 300 in Tamil Nadu. The Wildlife Institue of India is collecting the DNA of the elephants across all states in India so that a...

    Keywords: corridor, elephants, unique identification number, corridor

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