Facts are Facts 2013-06-11 13:13:54
Indians believe that one should not talk ill about a dead person but only good deeds of a person should be remembered after his/her death. That is the reason why everyone pays respects with folded hands to a dead person...
Keywords: Congress High Command, Congress High Command, freedom fighter, son of Ravi Shankar Shukla
Read MoreChild care, an art? 2011-10-27 04:26:33
Not every parent can succeed in taking care of their child and let him/her grow to be a well behaved, matured and responsible citizen. The growing crime rate, deaths and the suicides that are particularly high among the Youngsters are...
Keywords: women wishesh, Telugu news papers, baby care, Telugu News Paper Online
Read MoreMistake! Guilt for life time? 2011-10-27 04:26:33
‘Mistakes are bound to happen. No one is exception for this. Right from the most successful person in life to the person who have experienced only failures, throughout his life, every one of us have done mistakes. There is a...
Keywords: tips for women, Your lifestyle, Hot topics store, Saksi News Headlines
Read More‘Rejection? Can’t handle…’ 2011-10-27 04:26:33
I am no more interested in you… You are boring and nagging… You are not fit for this job and fit to be in this company… I can’t tolerate you… You are worth less… All these are nothing but the...
Keywords: Metro wishesh, Telangana News, Saksi News Headlines, Sakshi news paper online
Read MoreKnow the unanswered! 2011-10-27 04:26:33
Past six months of my life are a hell and what more it could be? Things were not at all going well at Office… Manager has become a disaster to my life… I am constantly in a thought that I...
Keywords: Daily news in telugu, Telugu News Paper, Andhra, Telugu news papers
Read MoreIndian Market woes Indian American Publishers to acquire TV Channel 2018-04-27 10:04:30
A prominent publishing group Parikh World Media (PWM) belonging to the Indo-Americans, have acquired ITV Glod Cable TV Channel, with plans to enter into the Indian Media Market.Chairman of PWM Mr.Sudhir Parikh announced about the acquisition that took place in...
Keywords: ITV Gold TV channel, ITV Gold TV channel, ITV Gold TV channel, Indian Media Market
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