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  • multi-storey apartment collapsed in mumbai, mumbai, multi storey apartment shattered in mumbai, India news updates

    Multi-storey apartment shattered in Mumbai! 2013-06-11 03:54:55

    A multi-storey apartment block known to have broken-down in the Mahim area in central Mumbai while arousing threatening danger of  having people trapped inside. The  incident occurred on Monday evening which was on the preceding day of heavy monsoon rains...

    Keywords: mumbai news, multi-storey apartment broken-down in mumbai, multi-storey apartment shattered in mumbai, multi-storey apartment shattered in mumbai

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    Multi-storey apartment shattered in Mumbai, central Mumbai, multi storey apartment shattered in mumbai, India news updates

    Multi-storey apartment shattered in Mumbai! 2013-06-11 04:19:19

    A multi-storey apartment block known to have broken-down in the Mahim area in central Mumbai while arousing threatening danger of having people trapped inside. The incident occurred on Monday evening which was on the preceding day of heavy monsoon rains...

    Keywords: India news updates, Mahim, Mumbai news, Mumbai news

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