Search Results On earth day

earth day

  • Google doodle, Google doodle, google celebrates earth day 2013, Earth day

    Google celebrates Earth Day 2013 2013-04-22 04:36:13

    Absolute interestingly, this year's Earth Day is being celebrated with an interactive Google doodle.  Furthermore, featuring on the search engine's homepage, as usual, users can play and pause a moving 'sun' or 'moon' on four different images.As a matter of...

    Keywords: activist John McConnell, environmental protection, environmental protection, international news

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    Gaylord Nelson, Environment, earth day awareness to make the place safe to live, Earth day

    Earth Day – Awareness to make the place safe to live 2015-04-22 06:41:54

    Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 which marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Earth Day 1970 capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement...

    Keywords: clean water, Earth Day, clean water, Environment

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    recycle, world earth day, what can you do to save earth, Earth day

    What can you do to save Earth? 2020-04-23 09:04:36

    The world celebrated the “World Earth Day” yesterday on April 22, 2020. While there is not just one day that you need to think of your planet, this is a good start to fight against the constant issues of climate...

    Keywords: sustainable, sustainable, earth, world earth day

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    earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles, earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles, celebrate earth day with google doodle, Earth day

    Celebrate Earth Day with Google Doodle 2013-04-22 12:50:40

    Google Doodle added more life to the Earth Day 2013 with its interactive animation replacing its logo. The newest doodle has a complete day's life in the wild captured with seasons, fauna, flora and even seasons recorded. The day begins...

    Keywords: earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles, earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles, earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles, earth day earthday earth day google doodle google doodle google doodle earth day earth day doodle previous earth day doodles

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    Healthy Living, 5 ways to make fitness, 5 ways to make fitness, Earth day

    5 Ways to make Fitness 2012-04-20 10:57:17

    With Earth Day a few days away, there's never been a better time to think about ways to green your fitness. Here are ways to tweak your daily habits just a little bit to do your part to reduce, recycle,...

    Keywords: Fitness & Health, Fitness, carbon footprint, carbon footprint

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