Mumbai Serial Blasts Convict Mustafa Dossa Dies at Hospital 2017-06-28 13:15:36
Mumbai 93' serial blasts case convict, Mustafa Dossa died of cardiac arrest in Mumbai's city hospital today, weeks after a special court found him guilty of transporting arms to Mumbai for the blasts. The serial blasts resulted in killing more...
Keywords: Mustafa Dossa, Mustafa Dossa dies, Mustafa Dossa dies, Mustafa Dossa
Read MoreSanjay Dutt gets another four weeks from SC 2013-04-17 06:58:53
The Supreme Court has given actor Sanjay Dutt another four weeks of freedom before returning to jail while the judges stressed on the factor that their decision was on "humanitarian grounds". Furthermore, the actor, who was declared guilty last month...
Keywords: 1993 Bombay Blasts, national news, 1993 Bombay Blasts, Sanjay Dutt for surrendering
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