Narendra Modi Is Most Followed World Leader on Facebook, Donald Trump on Second Place
April 13, 2019 09:01
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Anyone who keeps an eye on Indian politicians and their social media regime would probably know Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi’s following on social media platforms.
Burson Cohn & Wolfe, the global communications agency released a new report titled '2019 World Leaders on Facebook', in which they look at the world leaders with the largest followings on Facebook, and apparently Modi has made his way to the top.
With 43.5 million likes on his personal Facebook page and 13.7 million on his official page, Modi is the most popular world leader on the social network.
The United States President Donald Trump secured second places with over 23 million likes on his personal Facebook page. In third place is Jordan's Queen Rania with 16.9 million likes.
In the meantime, Brazil's new president as of January 1, Jair Bolsonaro, is the most engaged world leader on Facebook. His page has more than 145 million interactions, almost twice as many as Trump's 84 million.
Modi was the second-most popular world leader on Facebook back in 2016 when then-U.S. President Barack Obama was in the number one spot.
By Sowmya Sangam