Superstar Mahesh Babu teamed up with sensational director Puri Jagannadh for Pokiri and Businessman out of which both the films ended up as massive hits all over. The duo wanted to team up again however their professional commitments kept them away. Puri has been busy wrapping up the shoot of his next movie titled ISM in which Kalyanram played the lead role. He will be seen as a journalist in the film and Aditi Arya played the female lead.
During his recent interaction with the media, Puri has been asked about his movie with Mahesh which has been announced as Jana Gana Mana. Puri said “I narrated the script to Mahesh and he loved the script. However I received no response from the actor and I have been waiting for his reply. Things will take next step once he approves or rejects the movie”. Puri and Kalyanram’s ISM produced by NTR Arts is all set for October 21st release.